Informed-consent form content
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Certified Study Programme

Informed-consent form content

Although there is no specific template, your informed-consent form should contain certain information. You may have separate information and consent forms, but you must submit both in one file at the end of the application. Please include the following information.

  1. Logo of the institution where the research will be carried out (e.g., University, School, Laboratory)
  2. Contact information with the institution (e.g., address, phone, email)
  3. Title of the research
  4. Aim of the research
  5. Detailed description of the method
  6. Funding source (if there is one)
  7. Potential health risks and how they will be managed
  8. Information on personal data protection (e.g., assurance of anonymity)
  9. Information on how data will be stored and destroyed
  10. Participants’ rights and particularly the right for voluntary participation and the right to leave the study at any time without the need for explanation and without any consequences
  11. Information that will be given to the participants and possible other benefits from participating in the study
  12. Who wrote the informed-consent form and will carry out the research (name, title, phone, and/or email)
  13. Who is responsible for the study (if different from above).

Department of Physical Education & Sport Science Aristotle University Of Thessaloniki

The Department of Physical Education and Sport Science was founded in 1982 and since 2013 belongs to the School of Physical Education and Sports Sciences.


Department of Physical Education & Sport Science Aristotle University Of Thessaloniki

Thermi, AUTH DPESS, Thessaloniki, 57001

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